As an adult, can we learn a second or third language like a child learns his/her mother tongue? Some might say, "yes, it is possible" but some might argue that "no, it is not at all possible." The reality is "we all can learn any number of languages with proper effort and right guidance." Hence, we adapt an innovative Total Physical Interaction (TPI) methodology to teach new vocabularies in a given context to start conversing straight away from lesson one itself rather than asking to memorise a long list of words/vocabularies.

Learning Language

using Total Physical Interaction 
Spoken Tamil
Through TPI methodology

We adapt an innovative Total Physical Interaction (TPI) methodology to teach new vocabularies in a given context to start conversing in Tamil straight away from lesson one itself rather than asking to memorize a long list of words/vocabularies.

We progressively introduce adjectives, adverbs, prepositions (post-positions in the case of Tamil), tenses, simple sentence structures to advanced  grammar rules. We conduct online and/or physical lessons as required. We teach through English for non-Tamil speaking individuals or groups to attain equivalent to Common European Framework of References (CEFR) A1 to C2 level.

This course will be very useful and effective for those students struggling in their academic studies especially in Tamil. This will enable them to speak the language and thereby understand the lessons taught in the schools well that will pave the way for scoring good grades in PSLE, N & O level oral examinations.     

Spoken English
Through TPI methodology

We teach Spoken English as well adapting the same innovative Total Physical Interaction (TPI) methodology to teach new vocabularies in a given context to start conversing in simple English straight away from lesson one itself rather than asking to memorize a long list of words/vocabularies.

We progressively introduce adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, tenses, simple sentence structures, active & passive voices to advanced grammar rules. We conduct online and/or physical lessons for individuals or groups as per their convenience to attain equivalent to Common European Framework of References (CEFR) A1 to C2 level.

This course will be very useful and effective for those students struggling in their academic studies especially in English. This will enable them to speak the language fluently and confidently over the period and thereby laying the foundation for scoring good results in PSLE, N & O level oral examinations.

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